Happy New Year!

It's a new year and it could be time for a new you. Each year health clubs across the country swell with new members who have the best intentions. However many of those well intended individuals lose their motivation and give up. We want to help you make this the year you make a permanent change for the better.

Maybe a little challenge will provide just what you need. Our Body Transformation Challenge will allow you to earn points by participating in a variety of Breathe offerings. A hefty cash prize will be given to the winner. Maybe you win maybe you don't, but in reality if you can reach your fitness goal then you are indeed a winner. Sign up now for this wonderful and fun event. The BTC kicks off on Monday, January 10th and runs for 10 weeks. I hope to see your name on the list! What have you got to lose?

Welcome to the Family

Let's start at the beginning, shall we...

Lauren Schroeder and her husband Dave, welcomed baby Benjamin on December 10th. Lauren sailed through her pregnancy and delivery due to all of the exercise she had been doing right up to the delivery day. The best part is that she is already back at Breathe. Little Benjamin has not made his debut at Breathe, but I expect that will be happening before too long. He should be ready to sub teach a Body Pump class in the next few weeks. He is still working on the choreography for the new releases.

On the same day, across the country in our nation's capital, Steve McMahon and Sonya were witnessing their daughter giving birth to their first grand child, a boy who was also delivered on December 10th. That's called a "two-fer"! The reports are that mom, dad, baby and proud grandparents are all well. Way to go Steve and Sonya! We are thrilled for you.